Wednesday, March 31, 2010

YouTube cc function . . .

If you are posting a video on YouTube, you might want to give a shot at testing out their beta version of closed captioning. 

It utilizes Google's speech recognition programming:

After posting your video, just click on the red cc button in the bottom right of the frame (see arrow in first picture above)

Ok, far from perfect, but it's pretty cool . . . and free . . . and you know it's just going to get better and better in the future.

Man, where are we headed?  I can hardly hold on!  Another example: check out this video about how you can buy national tv ad time on Google TV ads . . . yep, plan a national campaign right from your laptop:

Are we in the midst of big-time democratization of media, or what.

Here's a link to my YouTube channel:

And I invite you to follow me on Twitter:

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