Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Just like our parents?

"I will not be like my parents, I will not be like my parents . . ."

So the generational chant goes.  And in many ways we succeed, but then in others, forget it.

When I was young, each month my mother would bring out the newly arrived Readers' Digest at the dinner table.  It was a ritual to which I rolled my eyes.

She would then proceed to test me on the 20 word vocabulary list that was in each issue.

Any words I didn't know, got put up on a chalkboard next to my bathroom sink.  She would feature each of the unknown words throughout the month.

Flash forward 40 years.

My daughter has been studying Spanish in school for the past five years or so.  Her teacher gives the class a Spanish vocabulary list that she tests them on every two weeks or so.  I've regularly been helping my daughter study for the tests.

As you may know, I enjoy speaking and writing Spanish, and it remains my goal to become totally fluent antes me muerto (before I die.)  I'm maybe 70% fluent at this point.  One weakness is my vocabulary.  So I as well have been enjoying learning the Spanish words that my daughter has been studying.

Maybe it's the age, but my daughter memorizes the vocabulary A LOT faster than I do.  So, what am I doing?  You guessed it, I make photocopies of the study list . . .

and post them on my bathroom mirror.

Hope you're watching and smiling, Mom.  Ciao.

I invite you to also check out my "added value: website/blog: http://www.davidryanmediasolutions.com/

Also follow me on Twitter: www.Twitter.com/DRMediaSolution donde frecuente hay descuentos en espanol para los servicios de replicacion de media.


1 comment:

  1. I can teach you 10,000 words in Spanish in 10 seconds. Can you guess how?
