Sunday, March 7, 2010

Debbie Phillips tribute

I received the following e-mail from my good friend, Elizabeth Philipps in London, regarding the video tribute to her good friend, Debbie Phillips (fyi, no relation - note different spelling of last name), who passed away recently.

I trust you will appreciate this as much as I did:


"Dear Family and friends:

Last month, a very good friend, Debbie Phillips died of cervical cancer, aged only 48. A few hours before Debbie died, her 16-year-old daughter Sarah went into her bedroom and recorded a song onto her mobile phone with no music.  A few days later, a friend added an accompaniment.

Sarah’s song, with its film tribute can now be seen on You Tube.  This is the link:

Debbie’s family has set up the Debbie Phillips Cervical Cancer Research Fund under the UCL Cancer Research Trust.  In terms of research, cervical is the “poor relation” to many other cancers, and the trust wants to change that.  The more people who listen to Sarah’s song, the more likely that the trust will receive some money from YouTube.  With that in mind Please, please, forward the link to all your friends, workmates and colleagues wherever they may be.  We are looking for millions of hits here, so help!  There is also a link enabling people to make donations directly from Sarah’s page, if you want to do that.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. - Elizabeth"


(Note: Elizabeth and her husband Richard will be visiting us here in the States in two weeks.  They hosted Susanne and me when we got married in London in 1988. They also hosted me before that when I was on a 4-month exchange at the BBC in London.  I first met Elizabeth when she was on a one-year study abroad program at The College of William & Mary back in our student days.)

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