Monday, September 3, 2018

Stand up . . . with yard sign?

It’s Labor Day. Start of the big push for Nov elections. I’m joining others putting yard signs up for Courtney Watson Many folks are showing their support for CW with a yard sign. Some folks though are reticent, even though they strongly support CW. They say they want to be polite and not rile their neighbors. I get it and respect that. Been there myself. I am just asking those who feel that way to think about it some more. At certain junctures in our nation’s history, it’s been necessary for folks to stand up and boldly say, “This is where I stand.” In the 1800 election, it was over the Alien Sedition Acts. In 1860, it was about the spread of slavery into new territories. In 1864, it was about giving a mandate to Abe Lincoln to finish the dreadful Civil War without caving in to the many cries to negotiate with the Confederates. In 1968, it was about Civil Rights and the Vietnam War. In 2008, it was about grassroots “hope” and further breaking racial barriers. I know, this is not a presidential year. But you listen to the news these days . . . Hmmm, I submit it’s time to stand up. Does a sign really matter? Well, I grew up in a New England-ish fundamentalist household. My Dad had a plaque near the hallway door that quoted Old Testament scripture: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” I personally have philosophically moved away from that emphatic approach to religion, but I learned to respect my Dad’s willingness to stand up for what he thought, in his own quiet way (and at times not so quiet - but that’s another story😉) Yep. I personally believe we are at one of those times when if you feel strongly about what’s going on in our country, it’s time to say out loud where you stand. If you live in Maryland District 9B and support Courtney Watson, and haven’t taken a yard sign, please consider it further. Please feel free to contact me directly here via or at 301-717-3747 if you start feeling inclined to make a pubic statement about where you stand. And if you live elsewhere, select a like-minded candidate . . . and please, stand up. This time, there is just too much at stake.

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