Thursday, May 24, 2018

NHS Class of '71 50th Reunion Survey Results

62 classmates responded to the online survey.

Below is a specific breakdown of the responses:

* Would you like to have a separate Class of '71 50th Reunion in 2021 or maintain a joint one along with the Class of '70 in 2020?

joint - 9
separate - 33
no strong opinion - 20

* Would you prefer the main Sat. reunion event to be:

informal picnic - 39
formal evening - 18
either - 4
other - 1

* If you have other main event suggestions, please enter here:

local alumni houses
dinner cruise on boat e.g. Lake Ticonderoga on Lake George
include a softball game
get some interesting venue

* If feasible, should we strive to have a live band perform at the Sat. main event -- e.g. band featuring NHS classmates?

yes - 46
no - 16

* Should a Friday night informal gathering at a local "watering-hole" be organized as we have previously?

yes - 46
not necessary - 16

* Would you like a tour of the high school to be offered sometime over the weekend?

yes - 31
not necessary - 31

* Should we organize an event for Sunday afternoon?

yes - 15
not necessary - 47
* If so, suggested Sunday planned activities

service project
river walk or stockade walk

* Other suggested activities for the weekend?

pot luck at NHS
organize a reunion hotel for out-of-towners

* What would be your max ticket price per person for the Sat. main event (assume cash bar) -- above which it would deter your attending?

$35 - 4
$40 - 12
$75 - 20
$100 - 12
$125 - 2
$ 150 - 12

* Are you interested to help organize and plan the event? (Out-of-towners welcome, but again, we really need some local folks!)

yes - local 10
yes - out-of-town 8

* We currently have about $450 in our class treasury. If we need to request some advance monies for deposits, etc., (e.g. $25 - $50), would you be willing to do that? (Assume it would be deducted from your eventual ticket payment)

yes - 56
no - 6

* This may seem like a rather odd question after filling out the above ones, but getting a preliminary sense of commitment re: attendance down in "black & white," even this far out, can be helpful for planning. Of course, we realize that future personal realities might alter expectations, but at this time, are you inclined to attend a 50th reunion -- regardless of how/when we decide to celebrate?

yes w/o guest - 22
yes + guest - 30
not sure - 9
no - 1

* Feel free to add any other suggestions or comments here:

if there is a band, make sure there is an area where others can still talk
invite faculty/admin that are still around
if a sit-down event, rotate seating during meal
have a joint reunion with '70-ers but in 2021
consider joint reunion with Class of '72

Feel free to contact me, David Ryan, at

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