Sunday, October 15, 2017

English Writing "Huh?"-ism #001

This was in the Washington Post today (10/15/17), p. H13:

Fragonard's Fantasy Figures
An exhibition that presents scientific research into the mysterious series of thumbnail-sized sketches of brightly colored portraits of lavishly costumed individuals relating to more than a dozen of Fragonard's known paintings. At National Gallery of Art.


In the Post's defense, this may be just a copy & paste from the press release they received from the National Gallery of Art, but still . . .

Fyi, this is the first of what I expect will turn out to be many fun (or sad) posts. I am not trying to be a smarty-pants snob with this. Rather, I am aware firsthand (I used to be a very poor writer myself) just how critical good writing is for success in almost any endeavor in life. This is just my small way of furthering that message. Stay tuned! 😉

P.S. If you run across something you think would be good to post in this series, please email me at (I'll be sure to credit you!)

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