Sunday, August 26, 2018

Love of Reading vs. Smartphones

I am always wary of criticizing the next generation. Every generation has thought the world would come to ruin because of the lack of some great trait in the youngsters. History has shown that usually it works out ok.

But with that said, I am still quite alarmed by what I see as a substitute teacher in today's public schools -- (I have subbed off-and-on over the past three years, mainly in Spanish since I know the language, but I also sometimes sub for other subjects as well, like English and Soc Studies) -- the lack of desire, in general, to read, and the out-of-control use of smartphones.

Yes, I do believe the smartphone situation is currently completely out-of-control, and that there needs to be a "re-think" and "re-boot" regarding school policies on how to balance the educational benefits the devices can offer, while candidly addressing the negative impact they are having in the classroom.

Granted, I am only a sub, but one advantage I have over staff personnel is that I see a large cross-section of schools and students within a relatively short period of time. (I have taught in every high school within our district -- several times over). And this article in the Washington Post now provides research data that I believe gives some validation to my concerns:…/for-american-teens-texti…/…
More and more I am convinced that the best way to address societal ills is to instill in our students at an early age the love of reading and to nurture that all throughout their school years. The benefits from that simple, low-cost effort could be so profound in so many ways.